Sunday 8 June 2014


Hello my friend!

It has been so long since my first post. I had several drafts on hand but  I just didn't post them. Weird, right?

Today I have some thoughts on relationships. When you're with someone, it's natural to feel dependent on him/her. However, when it's the point that is overly dependent?

I sometimes find myself to be so devoted in a relationship that I start to lose myself. All my emotion and action depend on the other half. When I get to see him, it makes my day. When he misses my call, I get worried. Suddenly I just feel so fragile and weak. I reckon letting myself fall too much makes me vulnerable. But maybe it's because of the long-distance? Long-distance relationship is a whole other topic though. I'll save it for later.

But afterall, that's why relationship is just so powerful. It brings you enormous love but it can slso be heart breaking. We have to put ourselves out there. Fall hard. We can only hope we will find the balance eventually. Good luck to me and to you all.