I know...quite a cliche topic. But I couldn't help sharing my thoughts on this popular subject.
Internet has become an unbreakable part in our lives. I just CANNOT imagine myself without it anymore. Sort of pathetic actually. What happened to going to the libraries and read every single book for an answer? No, GOOGLE! What happened to a hand-written letter and buying stamps? No, emails/ fb messages!
No judgments here guys. And of course not everyone is like that, but I'm definitely guilty.
I sometimes wonder if this whole internet thing is positive or negative as a whole. Obviously, it's more convenient and easy to connect and share with people around the world. But sometimes we bury ourselves in this online world so deep that we forget the real one. We seldom interact with others face to face anymore. For god sake, we text our roommates even we are in the same room. It's funny and convenient in a way. But it is always scary at the same time. It feels so much easier to express ourselves on internet and sometimes it feels even intimidating to talk face to face.
Crazy...but there's no going back probably. What do you think?