Saturday, 6 September 2014


Hello my friends! Today I want to share something a bit more personal. In every relationship, I believe there is at least one taboo subject, maybe an ex-boyfriend who ended up in jail, or a secret lover he hid away. When they talk about the subject, they fight, they argue and they cry. Eventually, they learn to avoid the subject and pretend to forget about it.

Mine is a question.

At first, I asked, "When're you coming back?"
He replied, "Soon"
Then I asked again, "When're you coming back?"
He replied again,"Soon".

The truth is we both know that he's not coming back anytime soon. Everytime I asked, he tried to be a good boyfriend and comforted me with "Soon". As time goes, that's just not going to cut it. I pressure you with a specific time frame and you have no answer. The more I ask, the more silence I get.

It is heartbreaking.

How long do I need to accept that it is a taboo question I should not ask again? After all, the sooner I accept it, the happier person I can become.

Do you have any taboo subject in your relationship? Feel free to tell our little tree hole.